Sunday, December 6, 2009

December "09

Dennis is out in the sun a lot...I try to stay in the shade!

As we walked to church Sunday we wondered if these guys would let us ride but they kept their distance. They knew what we were thinking! That was probably best for our Sunday clothes.

Dady is the lady who comes to work at my house to help me do the laundry, and housework. Laundry is hand washed and hung out to dry and the house has to be swept and mopped everyday. Kitchen has to be spotless or an army of ants will cover your countertop! I am teaching her how to cook some American foods and she has cook a few Haitian dishes for us. She speaks no English so I use a picture dictionary alot when trying to communicate.

Recess Time for the Mission of Hope MK school!

This is the view from many places where we live.

It is the bay at Port Au Prince.

Cactus type plants grow around this area because the of the desert type climate.

This Papaya tasted as good as it looks!

This guy is on bug patrol.

Here is our first Tarantula after Dennis killed it.
That is why it is curled up.
How did he kill it? He swept it out the door with a broom.